Setting up Companion Images for Batch Processing

Setting up Companion Images for Batch Processing


This is a brief tutorial on how to setup the Recipe and files for Batch Processing when working with a data set where each signal or data layer is saved in a separate image.

Recipe Setup

  1. Use the Load Companion Image step to load in additional images (additional layers of image information)
  2. Check Load for Batch Processing 
  3. Check Sort file names

Data Setup

Place the original images and additional signals into separate folders for example:
  • Folder 1: contains all original images (images you open in MIPAR, that the recipe is built around)
  • Folder 2: contains all images from signal 1
  • Folder 3: contains all images from signal 2
  • ...

Running the Batch Process

  1. Launch the Batch Processor
  2. Load the Recipe built in above step
  3. Add all images from Folder 1
  4. Set Save Location
  5. Select Process

Video Tutorial